Seminar talks role of State, agencies and communities in integration efforts
2017-11-15 15:50:00 -

The Organisation of Pakistani Youth in Ireland (OPYI) hosted a seminar on the role communities, institutions, and the State can play in integration at Rialto’s St Andrew’s Community Centre on Friday 3 November.


A panel of speakers from across the mainstream political spectrum focussed attention on the cultural diversity brought by inward migration from around the world, as well as the problems faced by refugees coming into the State.


The panel also discussed cultural similarities between Ireland and the Indian subcontinent, and how this could be used as a tool for integration aside from other cultural differences. 


Speakers expressed appreciation for the efforts and dedication of the new Irish community in society at large, while the senators and TDs on the panel promised to help raise minority voices where they need to be heard. 


In his closing speech, OPYI chair Ammar Ali thanked speakers and audience alike for attending and sharing their views on integration — adding that efforts to integrate on the part of Ireland’s ethnic minority communities were of the utmost importance.


I think this kind of seminar is very important to the community.” he said. “It gives them the opportunity to ask their elected representatives and community workers the policies of their parties or organisations on integration and other issues. Community voices are raised and heard through these events.”


The panel of speakers included Cllr Norman Sammon (Fine Gael), Senator Catherine Ardagh (Fianna Fáil), Senator Marie Devine (Sinn Féin) and Joan Burton TD (Labour), solicitor Imran Khurshid, Aayush Mann (Indian Irish Society), Godfrey Chimb (YPPI) and Galib Haque, representing Bangladeshi youth. 


Also featured were speakers from various youth and community activist societies, along with youth representatives from India.



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