EU motion for release of Ibrahim Halawa
2015-12-15 12:07:02 -
Human Rights

The European Parliament is to debate a motion calling for the release of Ibrahim Halawa, according to MEP Sean Kelly.


Halawa, born in Ireland to Egyptian parents, has been held in Egyptian prisons for more than two years awaiting trial for his alleged involvement in anti-government protests in Cairo.


At press time, the European Parliament was getting ready to discuss the urgent motion for resolution in Strasbourg calling for the release of Halawa as tabled by Kelly.


“The resolution cites Article 10 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights which considers that everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his/her rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him/her,” said the MEP for Ireland South. “It supports a previous request made by the Irish Government for the release of Halawa.”


Kelly said the European Parliament was expected to vote on the text of the resolution on Thursday 17 December.


“It’s adoption would be viewed as a strong message of support for Halawa from the EU,” he added.

TAGS : Ibrahim Halawa EU Cairo
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