Nepalese in Ireland light flame for special school support at Dublin Diwali celebration
2016-11-15 11:16:56 -
By Chinedu Onyejelem

Hundreds of Ireland’s Nepalese community and their friends gathered recently in Dublin to celebrate the last day of Diwali.

Organised by non-profit cultural group The Everest Nepal, the event marked the fifth of five days of festivities in the annual Hindu festival of lights.

Ishwor Bhandari of the organisers explained that the name comes from the diyas, or oil lamps, that are lit at night inside homes across the Indian subcontinent.

This year’s event in the Irish capital was dedicated to creating awareness and raising funds for the Special School For Disabled and Rehabilitation Center (SSDRC) in Kathmandu, a non-profit health centre for Nepalese children with disabilities who come from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Two famous Nepalese singers, Adrian Pradhan and Raju Lama, were brought to Dublin to support the group’s efforts.
And Bhandari told Metro Éireann that The Everest Nepal contributed €1,300 to the SSDRC from their Dublin event.

“The primary objective of this centre is to provide an opportunity [for children with autism and other disabilities] to learn how to take care of themselves,” he said. “It is believed that any disability, if properly managed, can be treated and alleviated, and therefore no longer a burden to the family, society or the person with disability themselves.”
TAGS : Ireland Nepalese Community Celebration Diwali The Everest Nepal Awareness SSDRC
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