‘War’ against immigration abuse
2017-03-01 17:21:40 -
Breaking News
By Chinedu Onyejelem

‘War’ against immigration abusers is a priority in 2017 for Irish border officials, Metro Éireann has learned.

In its annual review for 2016 which was released recently, the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) states that “revoking or refusal of immigration permissions for those engaged in immigration abuses” are part of the targets set for the immigration service for 2017.

Actions under the INIS microscope include “marriages of convenience and abuse of EU free movement rights”.
Meanwhile, the INIS says it will “continue to enforce immigration laws including removal of persons who have no legal basis for being in the State”.

Speaking at the launch of the report, Tánaiste and Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald hailed the achievements of Ireland’s immigration services in 2016.

“Last year the INIS received over 124,000 entry visa applications, short and long stay; over 10,000 persons were granted citizenship; and approximately 96,000 new or renewed immigration permissions were issued.”

Minister Fitzgerald added that Ireland “continues to be an attractive destination for migrants to come to work, study and settle here. Tourism from key international markets, such as the far east, is also important and [the INIS] plays a key role in helping to support the growth in our economy.”

The INIS report revealed that some 14 million immigration checks took place at Dublin Airport and other ports of entry in 2016. Out of these, around 4,000 persons were not allowed entry into the State.

TAGS : war immigration abuse Irish
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